Some products of "NORITAKA TATEHANA meets GERVASONI" are exhibited and
are able to be purchased at THE CONRAN SHOP SHINJUKU.
Please come to see them in this special opportunity.
12月27日(木)ー 1月29日(火)
11 : 00 − 19 : 00
at Shinjuku shop
Shinjuku Park tower 3F,3-7-1
Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo
THE CONRAN SHOP, born in London in 1973, is the home furnishing shop which deals in elegant furniture, lightings and gifts selected from all over the world.
We suggest to make daily life more enjoyable through the source of inspiration, items and styling which you will find something new.
対象商品 Ghostシリーズ(一部を除く)
対象ファブリック 各三種類より(数量限定)
Gervasoni Japan(ジェルバゾーニジャパン)
URL : http://gervasoni.jp/
E-MAIL : info@gervasoni.jp
TEL : 03-5413-3274
Products limited to be produced by collaboration with the Ghost series will be expanded to order by order-made products.
* Products will be expanded except for a part of the Ghost series. For details please contact GERVASONI JAPAN.
1985年、東京生まれ。歌舞伎町で銭湯「歌舞伎湯」を営む家系に生まれ鎌倉で育つ。シュタイナー教育に基づく人形作家である母の影響で幼少期から手でものをつくることを覚える。東京藝術大学では染織を専攻し遊女に関する文化研究とともに友禅染を用いた着物や下駄の制作をする。卒業制作であるヒールレスシューズは花魁の下駄から着想を得たものである。近年はアーティストとして展覧会を開催する他、伝統工芸士との創作活動にも精力的に取り組んでいる。2016年3月には、仏カルティエ現代美術財団にて人形浄瑠璃文楽の舞台を初監督「TATEHANA BUNRAKU : The Love Suicides on the Bridge」を公演した。作品はニューヨークのメトロポリタン美術館やロンドンのヴィクトリア&アルバート博物館など、世界の著名な美術館に永久収蔵されている。2018年9月には東京・九段「旧山口萬吉邸」にて個展「NORITAKA TATEHANA RETHINK―舘鼻則孝と香りの日本文化―」を3日間の限定公開により開催した。
Noritaka Tatehana was born in 1985 in Tokyo, into a family running a public bathhouse, “Kabuki-yu” in Kabukicho in Shinjuku, an entertainment district located in the center of Tokyo. His mother is an instructor of Waldorf dolls, used in Waldorf or Steiner education. His parents raised him in the historic city of Kamakura, where his creativity was cultivated. At the Tokyo University of the Arts, Tatehana studied fine arts and Japanese crafts, and later majored in dyeing and weaving. While at university, he was engaged in the study of “Oiran” or the courtesans in Meiji period. In the meantime, he created kimono and geta using Yūzen-zome, the traditional Japanese dyeing method. In recent years, as a contemporary artist, Tatehana has taken part in exhibitions around the world and has created works that incorporate handicrafts of the Japanese traditional craftsmen that had been passed on for generations. In March 2016, he directed a Ningyo-joruri bunraku show which was performed at Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain in France for his first time. Tatehana's works are held in the public collections of museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Victoria and Albert Museum.
Website: http://www.noritakatatehana.com